Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Coach Training at Nelson 29th October 2008

Coach training at Nelson this week was a terrific day despite the rain.
Sandra's lesson on the two & three point position was lots of fun.
Well done Lynn & Wanda & Jess on your coaching and to LeeAnne & Simone on good riding.
Coach training is on again next Wednesday 5th November. Futher dates :

Wed & Thurs 12th & 13th November Level 1 Exam at SIEC (Jess & Nik- demo riders needed)

Tues 18th November Christoph Hess Coaches Clinic at SIEC

Wed 19th November Coach Training at Nelson 10 –2

Tues & Wed 25th & 26th November EFA CE/Coach Workshop at SIEC

Sat & Sun 29th & 30th November Jody Sloper Clinic at SSJC

Wed 3rd Dec Coach Training at Nelson 10 -2

Wed 10th & 17th December 2 day workshop & update clinic at Nelson

If you would like to get involved in Coach Training at Nelson call me,
on 0412 405079 or email
web site


Di Holden said...

Great photos Chrissie

Sorry i was too sick to come on Wednesday. Hopefully back on track by weekend.
Madly doing coaching homework so I am up to date for next Wednesday 5th Nov.

I was bored witless lying in bed !!


Anonymous said...

Trust you Chrissie to have incriminating photos up on the web within hours!! We did have fun and learn lots despite the cold wet day. See you next week.

Anonymous said...

hi all, jealous of photos, hope to be back soon. would be available to ride for jess in november at siec for exam. could be a good experience for me to gain some insight and would love to support jess. let me know!

Simone Sykes said...

Was a great session despite the rain, was much better than my lesson on friday in extreme heat:( Very informative. Hope to see you all soon, hopefully next time i'll be able to come for more than half the session.

George jumping Ozbred

George jumping Ozbred

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