Friday, July 17, 2009

SSJC Winter Championships tommorrow 19th July 2009

SSJC Winter Championships tommorrow 19th July 2009
We are very excited by the forecast of fine weather for this weekend for our SSJC Winter Championships. Having had this event postpned more than once  in the past due to Winter rain we were very anxious for fine weather. Hooray!
We have record entries and the four rings will be very busy all day. If you are a competitor please let us know asap if you have any scratchings to facilitate the smooth running of the day.
Walk the course is at 8am and all rings will commence at 8.30am. The draw will be posted on Global.  *There was a preliminary draw posted on Wednesday, this has been ammended so please check.
The draw in the main ring (ring 2 ) will be taking precedence and some adjustments will be needed to accomodate riders who are jumping in other rings. Please be cooperative with our marshalls and let them know WELL in advance if you will need to jump out of draw order.
Please dont bring your dogs to SSJC.
There will be refreshments a Bruce Flod's delicious food van and David Smith from Dare Sports Photography 0412 049 426 will be the offficial photographer.
We wish to thank the following generous sponsrs:
Keeden Contracting Pty Ltd 
Oaks sporthorses 
CP Sporthorses 
Agnes Banks Vet Clinic 
Equest World Nowra 
Magoo Optics 
Diamond B Stud 
Oakville Equestrian 
Clare Watkinson 
Andrew Ingis & Jenny Shepherd 
Dare Photographics 
Looking forward to seeing you out at Clarendon tommrrow. Call me if you have any questions.
Christine Johnson SSJC Publicity Officer 0412 405079
Christine Johnson
NCAS EFA Level 2 Coach & Coach Educator
Ph 0412 405079
NEW Team J Clubhouse


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George jumping Ozbred

George jumping Ozbred

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