Sunday, August 2, 2009

Congratulations to Team J riders- what a great weekend.

Congratulations to Team J riders- what a great weekend.

At the Dural PC ODE Olivia Williams and Jack were 1st in their grade leading all the way after starting with a bang by winning the dressage phase. Well done Liv & Jack!Paige Rosekilly and her new pony Pixie were delighted with their ODE performance (but were non competitive due to not have enough rally days up). Luella was recovering from time off due to injury and did well from a limited preparation, despite Supeys persistent distaste for water.

Brandon and Renee Beneke did well at the Roan Societies Dressage day.Brandon rode the little pony in dressage on Saturday; He won the 2 prep tests and ran 2nd in the Preliminary 1A test.The pony and Brandon really exceeded our expectations on the day and put their best foot forward. He also won a saddle cloth for most successful pony of the day. Renee ran 2nd in the Preliminary 1B and did a good job of the 2B but test was a bit out of their depth.

Amy Robertson took her new horse Dusty to HDPC to be graded A for showjumping and these two are forming a great partnership.

LeeAnn & Sarah Olsen are heading to Brisbane Royal to compete on their two lovely greys. What are a great adventure for a Mum & daughter to have, we wish them the best of luck.

At SSJC on Sunday Mark Atkinson and Barney had 2 great rounds at 1.20m and are improving with every outing. Todd Dewbery and Yarranman were terrific in the 70 0& 80 rounds and Jamison had his two young horses out for great rounds. Miranda Coulsen had a great time in the 80 & 90 rounds and Jennifer was of course also a star.

George and Jess are having a great time in Canada and have just moved to Sandra Donnelly's stables in Calgary to do some riding. Sandra was a member of the successful Canadian 3DE Team at the Beijing Olympics.

All the horses had a birthday on Saturday the 1st- happy birthday to all our four legged friends. I won the HRC Horse Trivia Quizz at the Celebration Dinner and Alice was runner up- go us!

Wanda and Louise are preparing frantically for their NCAS Level 1 exam in 2 weeks time. Good luck girls we known you will be great!
Well done to all our other Team J riders who had their own personal successes!

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George jumping Ozbred

George jumping Ozbred

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